Lacy Sunshine

torsdag 2 februari 2017

New Challenge Crafts and Me Februari Leila Digital Stamp

Hello friends
The new challenge For Februari over at Crafts and Me starts Today


We have  a Montly Challenge
 and the theme is
Anything Goes

you can find the challenge 

I have coloured a wonderful Image by  that calls Leila

 Image: Leila Digital Stamp
 by Sakumens
  I really loved to make this beutiful digi

This is a new image by Artist Sakumens¨
That calls Leila Digital Stamp

I have a lots of fun when I did this...It was not meaning to do the backcground at this way at first but when I was ready it looks at this way LOL

Copic Combo:
Skin: C0 1 2 3 7 BV20
 Lips: R20 BV20 
Eyes: R81 B000 BG09 B05 Y02 00
Hair and Background: R14 24 35 73 39 YR68 09  Y00 YR00 09 68 C7 R89 YG00 03 
White gele pen for some white in the hair
Clothes: R81 C2 3 RV00  
YG00 03 06
Lilac: V06 09 04

 I hope you jion us in our Monthly challenge for Februari!

Good Luck everyone and have a great day!!

Cicci With the Pen
DT-Member at Crafts and Me

Welcome to join us in the New Challenge over at Craft and Me
Anything Goes!!

Welcome with your creations!!
Some Links for you

Crafts and Me Online Store
Crafts and Me Challenge Blog
Crafts and Me Facebook

Pssst........I want to share this fantastic thing with you all!!!!

English Version
Semifinal !!
Hi Friends
I want to share this fantastic and a fun  thing with you all
I have been nominated for this year Scandinavian scrapper 2016

Im so honored for be nominated with 3 lovely ladies
Lisbeth Bengsson
Jasmin Turander
Sari Hänninen
Thank you all for great and kind nominations, it was so fine words
really happy to get this far
for more information how to vote just click on the link below

You can Vote at one of us -20 Mars – 3 April –Sverige

20 Februari – 6 Mars – Danmark
6 Mars – 20 Mars – Norge
20 Mars – 3 April – Sverige
3 April – 30 April – Grand Finale
Vinnaren presenteras 6 maj!!
Winner presents may 6th
Skandinaviske Scrapper 2016


I Playing in this Challenge

12 kommentarer:

  1. There is no doubt about you Cicci you are an amazing colorist.
    Thank you for sharing with us over here at Classic Design Team Open Challenge and best of luck with your entry.
    [Annette Registered Owner/Admin for Classic Design Team Challenge]

  2. Back again, and again just super cicci.

    Thank you for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.

    Annette DT for

  3. Ohhh my goodness just stunning. Absolutely stunning, so so talented.

  4. This is beautiful great colouring Thank you for sharing with us over here today at the Classic Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

    Michelle DT for

  5. Simply stunning! Thank-you for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Anything Goes Challenge
    Good luck
    DT Lynda x

  6. First, Congratulations on your nomination and good luck! I love that background she looks like she is in a wicked tornado! Your coloring is fantastic! Thanks so much for playing with us at Dream in Darkness this month! Nan, CT

  7. Well done for being nominated - I'll keep everything crossed for you. I must admit that I think your creation is simply striking - marvellous the way you do your colouring. Thank you so much for entering the Crafts Galore Encore (Anything Goes) Challenge this month, lots of luck and I hope we see you again soon. Hugs to you Sue Pxxx DT

  8. Clever colouring. Thanks for sharing at Dream In Darkness

  9. Stunning colouring! It looks absolutely surreal. Thanks for sharing at Crafting With An Attitude and hope to see you again. Good luck.

    - Khushboo Gandhi, DT

    My blog:

    Inspiration Destination, DT
    Craft Your Passion, DT
    Crafting With An Attitude, DT
    Scrapping 4 Fun Challenges, DT
    Simply Create Too, DT
    Get Creative, DT
    Angie’s Digital Stamps, DT
    A Bit More Time To Craft, DT

  10. Stunning colouring, a fabulous creation. Thanks for entering the challenge at Crafty Girls Creations and hope to see you again soon.
    Hugs, Sandy DT

  11. Love the fantastic colors! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Dream in Darkness!~kim

  12. What a stunning image and brilliant coloring, amazing result. Thank you for sharing with us at Dream in Darkness!
